On rice 2 the relation of bioplasma time series measured in 2005-2006гг. (a green line) and by earthquakes (М> 5) occurred in this period is given. On a bioplasma curve it is observed two strongly pronounced maximums: first corresponds to earthquake of M = 5.2., 28.04.2006 (latitude - 41.71, a longitude - 80.7), the second forerunner - to earthquake of M = 5.8, 25.12.2006 (latitude - 42.16, a longitude - 76.16). For the first earthquake the latency period compounds about 150 days, for the second 50 days.

The odds in amplitudes of forerunners corresponds to an odds in power of earthquakes and, is unconditionally interlinked to distance up to a point of recording.

Thus about the beginning there is "bioearthquake" in bioplasma (geoplasma) of biological views and only later rather essential time interval (for which it is possible fully will be prepared for forthcoming catastrophe) occurs an energy liberation in an earth's crust (catastrophe).


Basis of device ISO- is the bionucleus. The device can be gained and established at home or in an apartment. Requirements of acquisition of the device look HERE.

The visitor reading these lines, too is the biodata unit. Also can predict catastrophes itself. As it to do it is circumscribed on THIS PAGE.


Visiting, this sate, you always will know beforehand about coming nearer catastrophes.

monitoring -  2010 yaer



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For the first time in Injushin V.M.'s world and Лукьянов in 1979 have predicted Жаланаш-Тюпское earthquake on change of bioplasma of grains of cereals.

DSc, prof., V. М. Inyushin

The Kazakh National University after al-Farabi. Almaty, Kazakhstan


On the basis of results obtained at registration of geoplasma disturbances (1-9) with the help of Almaty biophysical station, biophysical station in the city of Taraz and biophysical point of reference of seismic constants of the city of Serebryansk of East-Kazakhstan oblast there was made a successful prognosis of extremely drastic earthquake in the south direction from the city of Almaty on January 26, 2001 which manifested as drastic Gudzhrat earthquake at which more than 100 thousand people perished and the damage from which made more than 2 billion dollars. The data about the earthquake in south direction were reported to Indian instances but absence of biophysical seismic station in the city of Deli and other cities didn't allow the Indian government to implement a short-term operative prognosis with defining of a future epicenter and intensity of earthquake. In this connection the government of India in the person of the Ministry of science and new technologies applied to SPC BION with the request to implement the idea of installation of biophysical seismic constants in the city of Deli. Such act was implemented at assistance of the Indian side and constants were installed on March 28, 2001 in the Department of Seismology of All-Indian Center of Meteorology in Deli. Fluctuations of geoplasma that are recorded by means of bioindicators in the state of anabiosis are only clearly shown in indicator geoanomalies. Let's analyse the extent of coincidence of forecasted figures and intensity of earthquakes. Thus, on March 4-7 earthquake of magnitude not more than 2 was forecasted for neighboring regions. In fact, on March 7 an earthquake of magnitude 3 took place within 130 km south - east from Almaty. In south-east regions of Almaty city the earthquake was about the magnitude 2. On March 5 within 1400 km in the south-west from Almaty (Pakistan) an earthquake of magnitude 6-7 took place. In Almaty only seismic activity background increased. It is possible to suppose that the source of these earthquakes is one and the same - Hindu-Kush source. The following term is March 19-21. The prognosis for Almaty is of magnitude of 3-4 in the eastern part of Fergana valley near Hindu-Kush focus (250-300 km). In Almaty it was reflected in the form of increase of seismic activity level but it didn't reach magnitude 2. In the period of March 26-30 seismic activity became more intense. For Almaty and neighboring regions intensity up to magnitude about 3 was prognosed, however the earthquake focus was localized in Hindu-Kush mountain ridge.



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